Online Meetings on the Psychology of Associative Learning and Memory 


How it works

PALM is a series of online meeting on topics related to learning process and in particular the psychology of associative learning and memory. For each session, an invited speaker gives a talk (up to 40 minutes) followed by a discussion. 

Talks are handled via zoom (follow this link ZOOM LINK). More information here. 

Don't miss a talk, join the dedicated mailing list : follow this link

Scheduled conferences are listed below. 

Important :  the schedule is set within the Central European Time zone. 

Future meetings

September 13th 2024, 4 pm

October 11th 2024, 4 pm

November 13th 2024, 4 pm

Sam Cooper, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Neurobehavioral Effects of Aversive-to-Appetitive Counterconditioning in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Zoom link :

Coming up - 2024

January 12th 2024, 4 pm - Victor Navarro, Cardiff University, UK. Prediction error in models of adaptive behavior

January 26th 2024, 4 pm - Jan De Houwer, Ghent University, BE. On the nature and boundaries of learning: Learning effects as subset of feature transformation effects

February 23rd 2024, 4 pm - Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri, UCSF, USA. Associative learning, prospective or retrospective?

March 8th 2024, 4 pm - Stefano Palminteri, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, FR. Context-induced memory illusions of economic values: a test across elicitation methods and learning modalities

April 5th 2024, 4 pm Michael Domjan, University of Texas at Austin, USA. Pavlovian sensitization 

April 19th 2024, 4 pm - Ricardo Pellon Suarez De Puga, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, ES. The two coins of reinforcement: induction and strength

May 3rd 2024, 4 pm - Manuel Vidal, INT CNRS Marseille, FR. Using virtual reality to study fish behavior

June 14th 2024, 4 pm - Elliot Ludvig, University of Warwick, UK. Memory biases in risky choice and gambling

June 28th 2024, 4 pm - Liat Levita, University of Sussex, UK. Expanding neurobiological models of adolescence: Threat learning, extinction and cortical plasticity

July 12th 2024, 4 pm - Sam Cooper, University of Texas at Austin, USA. Neurobehavioral effects of aversive-to-appetitive counterconditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder

July 26th 2024, 4 pm - Yuri Pavlov, University of Tubingen, GE. The role of contingency awareness in human fear conditioning

September 13th 2024, 4pm - Shepard Siegel, McMaster University, CA. The Ghost in the Addict

October 11th 2024, 4pm - Anna Wilkinson, University of Lincoln, UK. Cold-blooded Cognition

November 13th 2024, 4pm - Sam Cooper, University of Texas at Austin, USA. Neurobehavioral Effects of Aversive-to-Appetitive Counterconditioning in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Past meetings

July 26th 2024, 4 pm

Yuri Pavlov, University of Tubingen, DE

The role of contingency awareness in human fear conditioning

Zoom link :

July 12th 2024, 4 pm

Jeremie Jozefowiez, Université de Lille, FR

The impact of outcome valence on interference in human associative learning

Zoom link :

June 28th 2024, 4 pm

Liat Levita, University of Sussex, UK

Expanding neurobiological models of adolescence: Threat learning, extinction and cortical plasticity

Zoom link :

June 14th 2024, 4 pm

Elliot Ludvig, University of Warwick, UK

Memory biases in risky choice and gambling

Zoom link :

May 3rd 2024, 4 pm

Manuel Vidal, INT CNRS Marseille, FR.

Using virtual reality to study fish behavior

Zoom link :

April 19th 2024, 4 pm

Ricardo Pellon Suarez De Puga, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, ES.

The two sides of reinforcement: induction and strength

Zoom link :

April 5th 2024, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Michael Domjan, University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Pavlovian sensitization

Zoom link :

March 8th 2024, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Stefano Palminteri, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, FR. 

Context-induced memory illusions of economic values: a test across elicitation methods and learning modalities

Zoom link :

February 23rd 2024, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri, UCSF, USA. 

Associative learning, prospective or retrospective?

Zoom link :

January 26th 2024, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Jan De Houwer, Ghent University, BE. 

On the nature and boundaries of learning: Learning effects as subset of feature transformation effects

Zoom link :

January 12th 2024, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Victor Navarro, Cardiff University, UK.

Prediction error in models of adaptive behavior

Zoom link :

December 1st 2023, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Olivier de Vries, University of Amsterdam, NL.

Pavlovian conditioning and episodic memory: towards an integrated account of associative learning 

Zoom link :

November 17th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+1)

Jack Van Allsburg & Timothy Shahan, Utah State University, USA.

How do animals weigh conflicting information about reward sources over time?  Comparing dynamic averaging models

Zoom link :

November 3rd 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Jose Prados, University of Derby, UK 

Tolman Revisited: Associative rather than gestaltic cognitive mapping

Zoom link :

October 20th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Mark Haselgrove, University of Nottingham, UK 

The Role of Novelty Mismatch in Latent Inhibition

Zoom link :

October 6th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Laurent Madelain, Université de Lille, FR 

Constraints on contextual learning for saccadic adaptation

Zoom link :

September 22nd 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Tina Lonsdorf, Universität Bielefeld, DE

How do adverse childhood experiences get under the skin - Neurofunctional, psychophysiological and methodological results from associative threat and reward learning

Zoom link :

September 8th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

July 21st 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

David Shanks - University College London, UK

Contextual cueing of visual search: A test case for studying learning systems

Zoom link :

July 7th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Gonzalo Urcelay - University of Nottingham, UK

Facilitation and competition in associative learning

Zoom link :

June 23rd 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Bram Vervliet - KU Leuven, Belgium

The power of relief in regulating fears

Zoom link :

June 9th 2023, 4 pm (gmt+2)

Anastasia Chalkia - KU Leuven, Belgium

Disrupting emotional associative memory through directed forgetting

Zoom link :