about PALM

Time zone

Schedule is based on Brussels/Paris time (UTC+1; DST+2).

Once connected

To improve the bandwith make sure your microphone is turned off as well as your camera once connected. It is best to turn your camera on (and sound) when asking questions during the discussion.

We aim at generating scientific discussions and new collaborations so we strongly encourage you to ask questions and react after the talk.

The conferences will not be recorded.

I want to give a talk

We encourage everyone to propose a talk. If you would like to speak at one of the PALM meeting send us an email at anastasia.chalkia@kuleuven.be, tom.beckers@kuleuven.be, laurent.madelain@univ-lille.fr or jeremie.jozefowiez@univ-lille.fr

The idea behind the PALM meetings is to take advantage of the ease of online meetings to have regular scientific discussions among people interested in understanding learning process.

Tom Beckers and Anastasia Chalkia in Leuven (BE) and Jeremie Jozefowiez and Laurent Madelain in Lille (FR) agreed that it would be worth trying to setting this up.

Contact us

If you want to contact us you can either use the PALM diffusion list or send us an email at anastasia.chalkia@kuleuven.be, tom.beckers@kuleuven.be, laurent.madelain@univ-lille.fr or jeremie.jozefowiez@univ-lille.fr